Here are some guidelines and tips for preparing for your Senior Session.
1 Solid colored clothing usually looks best in portraits.
2 Wear flattering clothing. For instance, if you are not really liking how your arms look, wear sleeves or jackets for your portraits.
3 Have your hair and makeup done professionally before your session. This is definitely a time that you want to look your very best.
4 Get enough rest the night before your session. You want to feel rested for your session.
5 Girls should have proper fitting bras/undergarments.
6 Don't be afraid to accessorize! Hats, jewelry, scraves, etc...look great in portraits. Bring what you have and we will go over it together when you get here.
7 Don't forget your class ring, letterman jacket, any sports equipment or uniforms that you want to be photographed in. Bring anything that represents who YOU are. I even welcome your pets.
8 Have your iphone playlists with you. We can play your favorite tunes for you during your session.
9 Girls, please don't forget your finger nails. Chipped, peeling nail polish really looks bad in portraits and does show. An appointment at a nail salon is something to consider before your portrait session.
10 Be prepared to have fun!!! You will never forget your experience at SGaspard Photography. Its all part of great portraits and you will know what we mean by the time that you leave from your session.